Today, migrants with spinal cord injury and those with similar conditions often lack knowledge about their injury, their rights and opportunities and adequate care. The result is that they easily fall into passivity and become difficult to integrate into society. This project aims to give these people extended opportunities for an independent and active life where they feel participation in Swedish society.
The goal is for the target group to develop their physical abilities and overcome mental barriers through the metohd Active Rehabilitation method and thus have better opportunities for integration. The project has the following sub objectives:
Today, migrants with spinal cord injury and those with similar conditions often lack knowledge about their injury, their rights and opportunities and adequate care. The result is that they easily fall into passivity and become difficult to integrate into society. This project aims to give these people extended opportunities for an independent and active life where they feel participation in Swedish society.
The goal is for the target group to develop their physical abilities and overcome mental barriers through the Active Rehabilitation method and thus have better opportunities for integration. The project has the following sub objectives:
Today, migrants with spinal cord injury and those with similar conditions often lack knowledge about their injury, their rights and opportunities and adequate care. The result is that they easily fall into passivity and become difficult to integrate into society. This project aims to give these people extended opportunities for an independent and active life where they feel participation in Swedish society.
The goal is for the target group to develop their physical abilities and overcome mental barriers through the Active Rehabilitationmethod and thus have better opportunities for integration. The project has the following sub objectives:
Today, migrants with spinal cord injury and those with similar conditions often lack knowledge about their injury, their rights and opportunities and adequate care. The result is that they easily fall into passivity and become difficult to integrate into society. This project aims to give these people extended opportunities for an independent and active life where they feel participation in Swedish society.
The goal is for the target group to develop their physical abilities and overcome mental barriers through the Active Rehabilitation method and thus have better opportunities for integration. The project has the following sub objectives:
Today, migrants with spinal cord injury and those with similar conditions often lack knowledge about their injury, their rights and opportunities and adequate care. The result is that they easily fall into passivity and become difficult to integrate into society. This project aims to give these people extended opportunities for an independent and active life where they feel participation in Swedish society.
The goal is for the target group to develop their physical abilities and overcome mental barriers through the Active Rehabilitation method and thus have better opportunities for integration. The project has the following sub objectives:
Projektledare: Elin Öhgren Goude
Tel: +46-73 649 96 55
Adress: Postgången 34C 171 45 Solna, Sverige
De arv som Arvsfonden förvaltar möjliggör att cirka fyrahundra projekt över hela landet får ekonomiskt stöd varje år till 1700 utvecklingsprojekt i civilsamhället. Projekten är i alla storlekar och spridda över hela landet.
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Ett rikt och inspirerande liv för personer med ryggmärgsskada och de med liknande förutsättningar.
Som medlem i RG Aktiv Rehabilitering (RG) stödjer du föreningens verksamhet och bidrar till att personer med ryggmärgsskada och de med liknande förutsättningar kan utveckla sina möjligheter till ett inspirerande och aktivt liv – nu och i framtiden
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